Link to BC’s New Curriculum

BC’s new curriculum is a progressive framework that structures teaching and learning in the province’s public schools. It provides incredible opportunities to teachers and students by providing information on what to teach rather than how to teach it. This aspect of the curriculum is fantastic due to the fact that it allows teachers to configure instruction in a way that suits their teaching style and each student’s individual needs. In the past, far too many students were not able to fulfill their potential due to to the inflexibility of the curriculum; it left many students on the periphery of education. However, this new curriculum is focused on encouraging universal designs for learning and differentiated instruction so teachers can explore new ways to reach all their students rather than a portion of them. I look forward to using the curriculum to help students learn content, develop curricular and core competencies, and establish themselves as life long learners. In order to do this I will use this open ended curriculum to integrate various forms of assessment, inquiry-based and experiential learning, and a constructivist approach into the learning environments I create.